Three years ago I've obtained all the Popeye b/w entries in DVD-like quality. I never thought that one day I would have owned even better copies. Nevertheless, the day 30 of September will see the release of Popeye volume 3 (stay tooned for tons of screenshots from volume 2 to be posted here soon)and this means that all the sailor's black and white output will finally be on DVD, restored, with original opening etc.: in few words, the way his cartoons were originally released.
For you lovers of classic WW2 racial stereotypes here a few shots from the cartoons that will see DVD release in September (and in even better video quality!!). This should give you an idea about why these are so rare and how much a milestone this third volume will be for us animation collectors.

Winner of the "Most Offensive WW2 Racial Gag Ever" award!!

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