Gweetings cawtoon wovews...


Before preparing my next post, let me ask you something.

It's vewy vewy impowtant to me...

in fact, I need your help! Right now!

The majority of posts on this blog have followed the usual formula:

an introduction with little bit of history and trivia about the cartoon
followed by the series of screenshots that show almost all of the principal gags, and serve as some kind of storyboard representation of a cartoon.

Very nice... but do you want to see only this type of posts for the rest of your life?
How about the the posts like
this one , or
that one , where I take a particular scene considered as an example of masterful animation, and illustrate it with a large number of sequential screenshots?

Some readers of this blog are the young aspiring animators, am I right? Would you love to make a cartoon as good as this one in some future, near or far?

Well, then you should study these screenshots carefully. I want you to copy each one of the poses and drawings that preceded. I know that's a very difficult task...

... but I trust in your abilities, and I want to help you to become the next superstar animator or cartoonist. Do you want the bigger screenshots? No problem! Click on the picture to see how big is this one.

Wasn't that wovewy??

Twank you wewy much... and now, I'll show you the beawutiful Blue Danube...



Have a pleasant weekend, folks!
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